Although it help identify many dogs skin diseases, are the 5 tips below to some of the most common dog skin problems:
1st Fleas: The best way to identify a flea problem, check your pets belly area and on the inside of the rear legs. The hair in this area is thinner and lighter than fleas and flea dirt ground. The flea itself is brown or copper colored and roughly the size of a pinhead. Flea dirt looks like sprinkled pepper. Ruffling the furYour 's dog back, and at the base of the tail is also an easy way to fleas and flea droppings found. Often, dogs that develop flea allergy is hair loss around the base point (above) of the tail. There are many options for flea and tick control.
2nd Food Allergy Dermatitis: Although food allergies can appear in the pups as early as 5 or 6 months, they can also develop in adult dogs as late as 11 or 12 years old. Common symptoms of food allergiesDermatitis are itching of the skin, excessive scratching, hot spots and skin infections. Dog owners should realize that there is a clear difference between food allergies and food intolerances. How would the people that cause classic symptoms of food intolerance, gastric upset and diarrhea. All the food does not agree with all the dogs. Pink Bismuth is a sure cure for stomach upset and diarrhea in dogs. Food allergies must gradually eliminate food and change of diet.
3rd AtopicDermatitis: A condition caused by environmental allergens. Dogs that allergies often suffer with air her face on the side of a sofa or on the carpet rubbing. As with food allergies to dogs chew their feet. With atopic dermatitis, it is common for dogs to develop ear infections due to yeast overgrowth. Pollen, trees, grass, dust and wool fabric are just a few common airborne allergens that some dogs are sensitive. Antihistimines are oftenprescribed.
4th Acral Lick Dermatitis (Lick Granuloma): This disease is increased red, hairless and is usually found on the leg of the dog. This neurological condition is self-induced by constant licking. Possible causes include anxiety, boredom and stress. Treatment includes identifying the cause of the problem (fear, etc.), restriction licking the area and often medications for behavior therapy.
5th Hot Spots: Medically referred toas acute moist dermatitis, these round lesions generally appear in warmer weather. Along the hip, the side of the chest and around the head area are the most common locations for hot spots. These moist and hairless inflammations are painful causing the dog to fixate on the particular spot by licking, chewing and scratching at them. Continuous licking in one area is a major factor in the development of "hot spots". These lesions can easily become very large. The location of the hotHere can be determined what could be the real problem is a; anal gland problem, ear problem or a flea problem. A vet is the hair around the city clip, clean it with a medical solution to prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.
Determine the source of dog skin problems often be difficult. However, skin problems can be unpleasant and painful, so dog owners should not give up until they know where the problem stems from.
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